Exam time is the most stressful time for all students, even for those who work hard throughout the year. When students are left with one month or less than that, they begin to panic. Due to which they waste their last 2-3 weeks crucial time of the exam preparation. So, to help them, we have provided last-minute revision tips that will keep them calm and focus on their studies. These tips will also help reduce the exam stress and ensure success to students.
1) Prioritise Your Time
The foremost thing that students need to do is calculate the time remaining for the exam. Then they should create a study plan based on the topics they covered. They can highlight the topics which they are good at by green colour, areas in which they need to practice more by yellow colour and topics which have not studied by red colour. Doing so will help in understanding the strength and weakness of students in a single glance. Now, they can allocate time as per their convenience to the topics which they want to improve more or gain excellence.
2) Don’t Take Up Any New Topic
Most students make a common mistake of studying new topics a few days before the exam. This wastes a lot of time as learning new topics and building concepts require time. Also, they get irritated and frustrated at the last moment. So, to avoid this, the best thing is not to touch any new topic. Students should study from their own CBSE Notes for Revision which they have created during the academic session.
3) Use Memory Tricks and Go Through All The Formulas
Students are advised to note down all the important formulas and memory tricks in a separate notebook. If possible, they can also paste the sheets of formulas and tricks on their study area. Doing so will keep reminding them of the formulas. After some time, all important formulas will be on their fingertips.
4) Analyse Your Mistakes from the Sample Papers and Previous Year Papers Solved by You
Students must have practiced last year papers and sample papers. So, at this time, they need to go through them and analyse the mistakes that they have made while solving the papers. Thus, they won’t repeat the same mistake in the future. It will also improve their performance in the actual exam.
5) Use Summaries Instead of Full Notes
When exams are about to begin in 1 week, then students should use the summaries of the chapter instead of going through the entire CBSE Notes. They should look at the bullet points, table, flow chart, map, diagram etc. which they have created while making the notes. This will help in faster revision and also give them an overview of the chapters just in a glance.
We hope students will find these tips useful for their last-minute revision during the exam. The crucial point that students should remember is not to lose confidence. They should be positive and full of energy on the day of the exam. They have to give their 100% while writing the exam and rest they do not need to worry about. Their hard work will surely bear fruits during the result time.
All the Best for the Exam!
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