Almost every car, irrespective of brand and its cost, while plying on road is prone to get scratches which spoil the appearance of your car. The scratches, if not attended timely, can lead to rusting of body and hence need professional car scratch repair.
You may find these scratches similar but actually they differ from each other in terms of visibility, size and depth.
Common types of scratches
Before beginning car scratch repair process, most of the professional technicians try to determine the category under which scratch of your car falls.
These scratches on your car may be:
- Hairline car scratches
These scratches occur on the surface of clear coat of your car.
Swirl marks or scratches are a classic example of hairline scratches which are usually caused when you wipe your dusty car with a dry towel/cloth; apply overly harsh polishing or cleaning compounds or use improper rinsing, washing and drying techniques for your car.
The microscopic hairline scratches and swirl marks can be repaired either by removing the uppermost layer of paint or applying some good wax or using a special swirl remover.
- Minor car scratches
The scratches affect the surface below the surface of the clear coat only without reaching and damaging the base coat of paint.
Minor car scratches are relatively more visible as compared to microscopic hairline scratches and are quite noticeable to the naked eyes.
Minor car scratch repair requires professional treatment through specialists as scratch repair kits or other methods do not produce desired results and may affect paint of your car in the longer run.
- Deep car scratches
The deep car scratches are of more serious nature as they damage Clear coat and surface below clear coat before reaching and damaging the base coat of paint.
Such scratches can neither be repaired by using wax, buffing/rubbing polish nor using scratch removing kits.
Deep car scratch repair warrants a specialized approach and being extensive repair job, it calls for availing professional car scratch repair services.
Compared to hairline and minor scratches, deep car scratch repair is expensive and may take more time. The cost a car scratch repair largely depends on the intensity and spread area of the scratch.
Modern car scratch repair procedure
Since getting scratches, chips and various other imperfections on your car are unavoidable and hence need to be repaired as soon as possible to maintain grace of your car.
Although, hairline i.e. surface-level scratches can be removed by rubbing, cutting and polishing the affected panel but for other serious kind of minor and deep scratches, now-a-days, technically advanced car scratch repair companies are using a superior and more advanced Spray less Car Scratch Repair (SSR) technology.
It is convenient and can reach to any car at any destination through mobile car scratch repair team without even going to the workshop.
The Mobile Car Scratch Repair company has a mobile team of professionally qualified technicians that have a long experience of car scratch repair of all types. Being a customer caring company fully equipped with mobile car scratch repair unit can reach at desired place as per time convenient to the customers.
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