Try Before You Buy: The Benefits of a Power Wheelchair Rental

Sometimes, life makes it harder to get around than it used to be. Maybe you’ve experienced an accident that’s limited your mobility. Or, perhaps your arthritis makes it nearly impossible to walk for long distances anymore.

In situations like this, many people grow frustrated. They feel as though their independence has been taken from them. They wonder if there’s a way to get it back.

If that describes you, there’s good news! You can regain your mobility by choosing a power wheelchair rental.

Renting a power wheelchair can restore tremendous independence for those with difficulty walking. If you’re wondering about what those benefits are, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, we’ll explore a few of the many benefits of renting a power wheelchair.

Benefits Of Renting Over Purchasing

Before we get started on the benefits of motorized wheelchairs, let’s take a minute to discuss why you should rent them. After all, people may reason that it makes more sense to purchase an electric wheelchair.

Some situations make it more convenient to rent a wheelchair. First, a person may only need the chair for a temporary period. This case most often happens for people who sustained injuries in situations like car crashes.

Others may choose to rent a chair as a test before purchasing it. Although this may cost a little more money, it helps give an idea of how you may like this chair. You can determine if it’s comfortable enough for everyday use and has the features you need.

People also choose to rent if they’d prefer not to use their current insurance to cover the wheelchair. Sometimes, you can get a better deal with the company’s rental insurance.

If any of these situations apply to you, renting is likely your best option. So, up next we’ll cover the benefits of these products in particular.

Power Wheelchair Rental Benefits

Other mobile devices help people get around, such as mobility scooters. So, why should you choose a wheelchair over these smaller options?

The short answer is that wheelchairs provide many benefits that other products cannot match. We’ll explore some of these below!

Electric Wheelchair Rentals Are Suitable For Everyone

Wheelchairs can accommodate people of every age and weight range. They offer significant support to cover even the largest adults. On the other hand, you can also find models that seat children.

Electric wheelchairs aren’t only capable of seating different types of people. They are also straightforward for almost anyone to operate.

Most electric wheelchairs offer straightforward touch controls to guide the chair along its path. Many use something as simple as a joystick to control their movements.

Lastly, since they have an electric power source, users don’t have to use manual strength to push the chair forward. Instead, they can rely on the motor to get the chair going. This feature also eliminates the need for somebody to push you along.

Making Places More Accessible

Electric wheelchairs work in several types of terrain, whether indoors or outdoors. These wheelchairs provide the support you need to get around at all times of the day.

You may wonder about navigating tight spaces with an electric wheelchair. Many people with manual models struggle with this, as they have a much wider turning radius.

However, electric wheelchairs have a much tighter turn radius than their manual counterparts. If you need to navigate a tight corner or space, these wheelchairs make it happen.

The same holds for traveling steep inclines. A manual wheelchair user may struggle to move up a steep incline since they have to use more upper body strength to get up. However, a motorized wheelchair escapes this problem.

Instead of forcing you to do the work, you can rely on the wheelchair’s electric power to get you where you need to go. Different models also specialize in mounting ramps and hills smoothly.

Easy To Transport

Mobile wheelchairs do have a few downsides. Many people find that they can’t fit the wheelchair in their vehicle. Sometimes, this forces people to rent a van to transport the wheelchair in.

However, other factors make electric wheelchairs simple to transport. For example, most electric wheelchairs have a lightweight composition.

As a result, you can lift these chairs in and out of a vehicle with ease. Some brands even sell wheelchairs that can fold into a smaller shape, eliminating the need for a van.

Mobility Plus is an example of a brand that makes convenient chair models for all types of vehicles. You can find several other examples online.

A Safe Transportation Option

The center of gravity in most electric wheelchairs is much lower than it would be for a manual chair. As a result, these models are less likely to tip over.

It’s also easier to brake these wheelchairs on inclines without risking accidental rolling. Most models also offer smoother transport for wheelchairs navigating rough terrain.

You may wonder, if this is an electric wheelchair, does it need to be charged? Can it survive a long day of use without the battery dying?

The answer to both questions is yes. Electric wheelchairs require charging to function, so when you no longer need it, it’s best to plug it up.

However, most wheelchair models and brands have excellent battery life. It’s not uncommon for some wheelchairs to travel up more than a dozen miles in a day. If you have a day of errands coming up, these chairs can get you through it!

Rent A Power Wheelchair

Renting an electric wheelchair can be the solution to several problems. All you have to do is find the best power wheelchair rental service to get started. So, search your area and find the best deals near you!

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