The coronavirus is demonstrating that your job might become antiquated and you perhaps need to get educated in a field that will always be in demand. With education courses being expensive and no idea where you will find the time for a four-year degree, many in Australia are looking for a viable alternative
Australia provides government assisted training courses for citizens wishing to advance or start a new career. The most popular and robust of these programs is the TAFE program. TAFE stands for technical and further education and this education is delivered by a series of institutions throughout Australia. They provide a wide range of predominantly vocational courses, mostly qualifying courses under the National Training System/Australian Qualifications Framework/Australian Quality Training Framework.
The fields that TAFE covers include health care, business, finance, hospitality, tourism, construction, engineering, visual arts, information technology and community work.
Individual TAFE institutions typically have numerous campuses and are known as either colleges or institutes, depending on the state or territory. TAFE colleges are owned, operated and financed by the various state and territory governments. This is in contrast to the university sector, whose funding is predominantly the domain of the federal government and whose universities are predominantly owned by the state governments.
As the coronavirus pandemic has shown, one of the most valuable courses that TAFE offers is nursing. These skilled medical professionals are front line workers during the pandemic and provide health care services that are difference-makers in the community.
Study Nursing at TAFE and get a Degree
The TAFE course for nursing care is an 18-month course that provides a detailed learning curriculum that leads to a diploma of nursing and near-guaranteed employment in the healthcare field. In fact, more than 80% of graduates find employment in Australia within 6 months of graduating.
Students gain access to professional training facilities that simulate a hospital or clinic environment so you will be able to immediately get comfortable with the real-world clinical environment. You will train on equipment including ECG machines, hospital beds, vital signs monitors, IV trolleys, and computerized mannequins that mimic real patients. Combined with the expert instruction and supervision you will receive, your preparedness is assured.
You will graduate with a Diploma of Nursing and be legally qualified for employment as an Enrolled Nurse in a wide range of healthcare settings. Many students continue on in TAFE healthcare to obtain an Advanced Nursing Diploma allowing them to specialize in
A range of fields including renal care, mental health, aged care, critical care, emergency care, or perioperative. Successful completion of TAFE nursing courses qualifies you to seek registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
If you wish to further your education in nursing even further, use your TAKE classes for eligibility of up to one year of credit towards a Bachelor of Nursing. With this degree, you can become a Registered Nurse in Australia.
A TAFE education in nursing is a fast way to a great career that is important to the community and always in demand.
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