S1000D Authoring vs. Traditional Authoring

There has always been a confusion with the terms as far as S1000D authoring, and traditional authoring is concerned. Most people are confused with the use of terms and requirements, which may eventually have a severe impact. However, experts suggest that often the vendors make things appear more complicated than it actually is. 

Authoring content can be pretty easy to decode only if one has understood it properly. When moving into s1000D authoring, it is necessary to be familiar with all the terms to ensure the best. Some of the best S1000D authoring and traditional authoring terms that can make things pretty easy include the following

  • Templates

Templates are used a lot for authoring content, and S1000D is used for the same. However, in the case of S1000D, content is templated into DTD or Schema. Different tools, such as Microsoft Word, have different template styles. Schema is aimed at creating a specific structure of the content. Unlike Microsoft Word, an element or attribute is used for generating the content. 

  • Cross References

Referencing is one of the most critical aspects of creating content. When working on content, it is necessary to provide references across different content. Whenever inserting these cross-references, it is essential to fill the gaps properly. However, the same is to be followed for the s1000D authoring.  

Unlike traditional authoring, s1000D authoring updates the IETP references once implemented. All the references are correctly linked to avoiding errors. 

Sonovision s1000d authoring is one of the best since all the links are correctly inserted. This ensures smooth and appropriate output for IETP as well. Apart from that, it plays a vital role in saving time. References need to be made to data modules and technical publications. 

  • Graphics

Images are one of the most important requirements of technical documentation. In traditional authoring, once the graphic is inserted, it will need deletion and change in case of updates. However, with s1000d authoring, it is different since the graphic attached to the reference will eventually be updated in case of an update. The CDSB will update the image on locating it. 


It is extremely hard to manage content in a traditional environment. However, referenced information can be very casually managed in the s1000d authoring environment to ensure easy data delivery. 

S1000d and traditional authoring have a lot in common, but they are different. It is essential to ensure that proper documents are used from time to time to ensure the smooth management of data. 

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