Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) (SCIP) is a database for storing safe-use information for substance s of very high concern (SVHCs) present in articles placed on the EU market. The database gets all gathered information together and looks to improve transparency on hazardous substances in articles to the end consumer, waste operators, and authorities. It makes relevant information available throughout the whole lifecycle of products and materials, as well as at the waste stage.
Companies are required to offer sufficient information to ensure the safe use and disposal of articles when SVHC concentration is above threshold. To do this, they must build and submit dossiers in the IUCLID format or use a service that offers solutions such as system-to-system data transmission. The information required includes details that allow correct article identification, name, concentration, and location of the Candidate List substances, as well as on the safe use of the article. The affected companies include those that produce, import, or supply articles into the EU market. Enviropass scip database assistance can help companies successfully register products with the new EU SCIP database. They will advise clients on the compliance process, required testing, and how to prepare their notification dossier for submission.
Submitting a Dossier to the SCIP Database
Companies must gather data about their products first. They may need to reach out to their suppliers and manufacturers for this information. Then, they need to evaluate the data and check the number of products affected. Also, companies must analyze if they need IT system support. They can manually submit a SCIP dossier using the ECHA cloud if only a handful of products is affected. But, if such products are updated or changed frequently, companies may need an IT system to catch such changes and make sure the SCIP dossier is updated accordingly.
Affected Companies
Companies that place products on the EU market containing articles with SVHCs on the candidate list in a concentration of about 0.1% weight by weight must submit information on such articles. These companies include EU producers and suppliers, EU importers, as well as EU article distributors and other actors in the supply chain that place articles on the market. While retailers and another actor in the supply chain that supply articles directly to consumers are not required to submit information, duty holders can supply it voluntarily. Also, manufacturers or sellers outside the EU that don’t place products on the market are not directly responsible for reporting, they have to collect and manage this information to support importers or other affected actors.
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